
What are Pseudo Pelger-Huet cells?

Psuedo Pelger-Huet cells have the morphological characterization of Neutrophils with hypolobation [hypo-segmented].

It can be a benign inherited defect (1/6000) of terminal Neutrophil differentiation due lamin B receptor gene mutations.

Or it can be seen in different pathological states like Myelodysplastic syndrome or CML, as well as with certain infections and drugs


  1. Shetty VT, Mundle SD, Raza A. Pseudo pelger-huet anomaly in myelodysplastic syndrome: hyposegmented apoptotic neutrophil? Blood 2001;98:1273–75.
  2. Wang E, Boswell E, Siddiqi I, Lu CM, Sebastian S, Rehder C, et al. Pseudo-pelger-huet anomaly induced by medications: a clinicopathologic study in comparison with myelodysplastic syndrome-related pseudo-pelger-huet anomaly. Am J Clin Pathol 2011;135:291–303. 
  3. Ayan, Mohamed S. et al. “Case of Acquired or Pseudo-Pelger-Huët Anomaly.” Oxford Medical Case Reports 2015.4 (2015): 248–250. PMC. Web. 9 Oct. 2017.
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