
Causes of QT Prolongation

QT interval is the length between the beginning of the QRS complex (ventricular depolarization) and end of the T wave…

7 years ago

How does CHF cause AKI?

It is quite common to see accompanying acute kidney injury during a congestive heart failure exacerbation.  WHY? Renal hypo-perfusion secondary…

7 years ago

TCA Toxicity and Bicarbonate: Mechanism

Sodium bicarbonate has become the mainstay treatment for arrhythmias caused by TCA toxicity. The cardiotoxic effects of TCA work via…

7 years ago

Bifascicular and Trifascicular Block

Bifascicular Block: 1. Left anterior fascicular block (LAFB) or left posterior fascicular block (LPFB) AND 2. Right bundle branch block…

7 years ago

Why do Right Sided Heart Murmurs Increase with Inspiration?

A heart "murmur" is the sound of blood flowing (i.e through a valve). RIGHT SIDED MURMURS (i.e Tricuspid regurgitation or…

7 years ago

Diastolic Hypertension in Hypothyroidism: Mechanism

Hypothyroidism has been recognized as a cause of secondary hypertension. Img Cred: Previous studies on the prevalence of hypertension…

8 years ago

What side are Congestive heart failure Pleural effusions on?

Pleural effusions in patients with congestive heart failure are typically bilateral. However, a unilateral pleural effusion is more commonly seen…

8 years ago

Physical Findings that change Likelihood of Aortic Stenosis

Aortic stenosis (AS) is classically a mid-systolic crescendo-decrescendo murmur that radiates to the carotid. Features that INCREASE likelihood [1]: Pulsus…

8 years ago

Regular vs. Irregular Supraventricular Tachycardias (SVT)

REGULAR IRREGULAR ·         Sinus tachycardia ·         AVRT ·         AVNRT ·         Atrial flutter (with fixed block) ·         Atrial tachycardia ·         Atrial…

8 years ago

Hypokalemia and Digoxin Toxicity

Digoxin [Antiarrhythmic (Class III)] competes with Potassium for binding to cellular Na+/K+ ATPase pumps. Hypokalemia predisposes the patient to Digoxin…

8 years ago

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