Categories: Endocrinology

Clinical Features of Diabetes

Type 1 Type 2

Polyuria (increased urine production) HOW? The increase glucose in the blood will act as an osmotic diuretic and pull more fluid into the urine; Glucose will be found in the urine [sweet taste]

Polydipsia (increased thirst): caused by increased urine about, then will cause the increased thirst

Polyphagia (increased hunger)

Weight loss/ Fatigue HOW? Due to the body being unable to utilize the glucose

Blurred Vision: DUE to osmotic changes in the eyes and changes in opacities of the lens , can be reversed [NOT retinopathy]

Often asymptomatic or insidious; May also present with Polyuria, Polydipsia, Polyphagia, Fatigue, Peripheral Neuropathy (especially in feet)
Ketoacidosis Very rare 
Usually not obese and no family history Often overweight with a family history +++ [METABOLIC SYNDROME: 1) central obesity 2) insulin resistance 3) high blood pressure 4) high triglycerides  5) low HDL



1. Chapter 17. Pancreatic Hormones and Diabetes Mellitus. Greenspan’s Basic & Clinical Endocrinology, 9e  

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