Although rare, the differential diagnosis of hypoventilation and hypercapnia respiratory failure includes hypothyroidism. It is usually associated with severe hypothyroidism (i.e. myxedema coma) [1].
The suspected mechanism(s) by which hypothyroidism causes hypoventilation are:
Depression of the central ventilatory drive response to hypercapnia/hypoxia [2].
Skeletal muscle myopathy with a weakening of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles [3-4].
Typically, the introduction of levothyroxine [T4] supplementation will reverse the underlying pathology [5-6].
Img Credit: E.H. Schlenker / Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 181 (2012) 123– 131.Fig 1. Models comparing effects of euthyroidism (a) and hypothyroidism (b) on the respiratory system. Hypothyroidism impacts the function of CNS, and the innervation and function of the upper airways, tongue, and respiratory muscles. Other alterations that occur with hypothyroidism include abnormalities in the development and function of the lungs, carotid and aortic bodies, CO2 CNS sensors and the afferent information from these regions to regulate breathing. Mechanisms responsible for these changes are not clearly understood and are represented by the question marks.
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