Categories: Respirology/ ICU

What are Non caseating (Non-necrotizing) Granulomas?

A granuloma is a focal, compact collection of inflammatory cells (i.e histocytes).

Caseation” (translation “turning to cheese”). Non caseating aka Non-necrotizing granulomas do not have characteristic necrotic appearance on gross visual examination and generally are of non-infectious etiology. More info here.

  • Seen in conditions such as: ***Sarcoidosis***, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, IBD and chronic Beryllium disease


  1. James DG (1991). What makes granulomas tick? Thorax 46: 734736.
  2. Iannuzzi M, Rybicki BA, Teirstein AS (2007). “Sarcoidosis”. New England Journal of Medicine 357 (21): 2153–2165.
  3. Zumla A, James DG (1996). Granulomatous infections: etiology and classification. Clin Infect Dis 23:146–158
  4. Chapter 390: Sarcoidosis. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 19e. Robert P. Baughman; Elyse E. Lower
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