Respirology/ ICU

What are “Atypical” Pathogens in Pneumonia?

WHO? Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, and Legionella pneumophila. Causal agents for Pneumonia (CAP). WHY? They lack a cell wall and…

9 years ago

Warms vs. Cold Shock

Warm Shock  Cold Shock THINK: sepsis, anaphylaxis, neuro/CNS Warm, bounding & wide pulses, good cap refill, flushed Due to  vasodilating…

9 years ago

What is the ‘4-2-1’ rule?

Normally, we use the ‘4-2-1’ rule for calculating rates of maintenance fluid administration: 4mL/kg/hr for each of the 1st 10kg…

9 years ago

What are Pulmonary Infiltrates?

Infiltrates is a term commonly used to describe findings on chest x-ray, but what does it mean? Simply put it…

9 years ago

Epithelial cells in sputum?

Typically a sputum gram stain will be sent off to isolate potential respiratory pathogens. Normally your findings should contain many…

9 years ago

Why is Oxygen Therapy used for Pneumothorax?

Why Nitrogen?? Nitrogen makes up a majority of the air we breathe (approximately 78%). By giving a patient 100% Oxygen,…

9 years ago

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