Categories: Infectious Diseases

Uncomplicated Vs. Complicated Staph Aureus Bacteremia

Uncomplicated Staph Aureus Bacteremia 

  • No evidence of endocarditis
  • No prosthetic device
  • No evidence of metastatic infection
  • Defervescence after 72 hours of active antibiotic treatment
  • Negative blood cultures at 48-96 hours
  • Antibiotics for 14 days

Complicated Staph Aureus Bacteremia

  • Endocarditis
  • Prosthetic device (i.e. pacemaker, prosthetic joint, hemodialysis line)
  • Evidence of metastatic infection (abscess, vertebral osteomyelitis, etc.)
  • Persistent bacteremia, despite 3 or more days of antibiotic treatment
  • Antibiotics for 4-6 weeks

Treatment options for Staph Aureus: 

  • Vancomycin, if intolerant: Daptomycin +/- Cloxacillin
  • If MSSA, can use Cloxacillin
  • If MRSA, use Vancomycin


Jr, V. G. (2003, September 22). Clinical Identifiers of Complicated Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia. Retrieved from

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Dr. C Humphreys

Internal Medicine

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Dr. C Humphreys

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