Upper Lobe: SET CAP or FASTEN S: Silicosis/sarcoidosis E: Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (hypersensitivity pneumonitis) T: Tuberculosis C: Cystic Fibrosis A: Ankylosing…
Isotonic pH 6.6 130 mEq Sodium 4 mEq Potassium 3 mEq Calcium 109 mEq Chloride 28 mEq Sodium Lactate (provides…
Obstructive shock occurs due to obstruction of the cardiovascular system. Commonly due to PE, Tension pneumothorax and Tamponade. HOW? PE…
The JAMA Rational Clinical Examination recommends two clinical signs: Img Cred: The JAMA Rational Clinical Examination The Lovibond angle (angle…
Smoking Cessation Long-term Oxygen therapy (>15 hours per day) Lung volume reduction surgery in certain subsets of COPD patients (Emphysema)…
A granuloma is a focal, compact collection of inflammatory cells (i.e histocytes). "Caseation" (translation "turning to cheese"). Non caseating aka Non-necrotizing…
When a pneumothorax is suspected, an inspiration AND expiration chest x-ray will often be obtained. On an expiratory film, the…
WHAT IS IT? Lactate (conjugate base of Lactic acid) is formed from anaerobic metabolism of pyruvate by lactate dehydrogenase in the…
WHO? Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, and Legionella pneumophila. Causal agents for Pneumonia (CAP). WHY? They lack a cell wall and…
Warm Shock Cold Shock THINK: sepsis, anaphylaxis, neuro/CNS Warm, bounding & wide pulses, good cap refill, flushed Due to vasodilating…
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